Thursday, April 10, 2008

Meeting Friday At Noon

Please come in if you can, give feedback.

We may also have to allocate some BG recolouring to make it all flow.
So please be there to help us.

Well also be working on scenes this weekend.

If you want to come in Saturday I will teach you after FX and you can 2 tone animation etc. We will need some help to get the whole film two toned, so please come in. I believe Ill be working all weekend.

Thanks in advance to all who come!
- Jake

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Monday Meeting @ 2PM

Bring your scenes.

For those of you working with layouts that have the ship in it.
Here are some shots for reference.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Please Post your Flash File AND Your exported Flash File (.mov) on the server by Monday.
Info on how to export is two posts below this one.

We need both in case consistency doesn't match up, and for any reason we need to make minor changes.

Thank you for your co-operation.
- Jake


I am putting an airlock layout for those who have a scene with the airlock.
I didn't like my design so that I went for Andrea's concept for the airlock.
First layout is done by me, and second one is Andrea's concept.

And so sorry for not being at the mentor meeting this week; I've been animating for about 20hrs everyday so that made me sick...I guess everybody is going thru the same situation.
However I will be there on Friday meeting.

See you :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

How to export your Flash scenes 101:

Step by step guide on how to make your flash file into a video file.
1. Click File
2. Click Export
3. Click Movie
4. Choose where you want to save it
5. Change the 'save as type' at the bottom of the window to: Quicktime (*mov.)
6. Render Size 1280 by 720.
7. Click on the 'Quicktime settings' button in the bottom left corner.
8. Under 'Video' Click 'Settings'
9. Copy My setting shown here:

10. Press ok.
11. Make sure sound is checked.

12. Press 'OK'
13. Press 'Export'
14. Your done!

Hope this makes sense. Lots of steps, but I didn't want to leave anything out. Post if it does not work for you. Or if you want more screen grabs.

Thanks all
- Jake Fullerton -

PS Post you exported scenes on the server by next Monday night. There will be a pretty folder for them.

Colours and Scene Folders

Hi Group I will be making a folder tomorrow with final color palettes for our layouts tomorrow they will be in a folder name FINAL COLOUR, also we will be setting up our scene folders so ppl can begin to drop in their work on Friday! Make sure to make the Friday meeting for directions on esporting your scenes and also make your you brin in your one completed scene along with working animation. A reminder again that everything is Due MONDAY APRIL 7TH!

*If you are having trouble with your scenes or for see a problem with your workload now is the time to notify your group please be responsible about communicating any problems you may be having.

FRIDAY MEETING 6PM be there with your Animation and ! finished scene we need to put these things into a reel do not fall behind.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


For allt hose of you needding help with your scenes....Bryan will be in tomorrow at 6pm helping ppl on their stuff. Please don't delay, final scenes are due in 5 DAYS!!!!!!!!

Also please make sure to make the production meeting tomorrow's crucial that EVERYBODY shows up to our final meetings to ensure deadlines and communication. Production meeting with Tony is at 2pm see everyone there.


dunno if its still good... or am i over deadline o_O;;
ill have the real psd file if its still valid ):
