P.S Remember that your workbook for one of these scenes will count for 20% of your mark in DQ's class so have them done for this week, and do them as well as you all can.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Here's the Lieca guys!
use this plus the scene descriptions below to find your scene!
Thanks to Andrea for the extra hours of audio editing on this!
I updated the numbers now too, so it should be easy to find your scene!
How to workbook:
Work book your Layouts and Key Pose your scene.
Feel free to really act out your scene, move your character around, just maintain staging as close as possible. Its better to push it far in the work book stage, and pull it back when you go to animate, rather than the other way around.
Thanks all.
- Jake Fullerton
Scenes Below.......................................
Leica Reel
Scene Points Breakdown
Table of Contents
A= Animation /10
L= Layout /10
LP= Layout Painting /5
C= Compositing /5
1 Fly by title - Animation Mike - Layout Steve
A - 3
L - 9
LP- 5
C - 2
2 lying on bed long shot (establishing shot) Animation Mike - Layout Mike
A - 3
L - 9
LP- 5
C - 2
3 lying on his back looking down on him - Mike
A - 5
L - 2
LP- 2
C - 1
4 fly by (window) ufo goes past - Mike
A - 3
L - 4
LP- 3
C - 4
5 Shocked look - sits up a bit - Mike
A - 5
L - Resuse scene 3
LP- Resuse scene 3
C - 1
6 walking to the window sill - Jake
A - 5
L - 8
LP- 5
C - 4
7 the came for me!- Mike
A - 3
L - 4
LP- 2
C - 2
8 running out of room - Jake
A - 6
L - Resuse-6
LP- Resuse-6
C - 5
9 Establishing shot (feild) - Lisa
A - 0
L - 8
LP- 5
C - 2
10 beam out of ship and walk - Andrea
A - 8
L - 5
LP- 3
C - 4
11 Putting box down - Mark
A - 5
L - 4
LP- 2
C - 2
12 Reveal - Im ready! - Mark
A - 3
L - 10
LP- 5
C - 3
13 alien scream - Mark
A - 8
L - 7
LP- 4
C - 2
14 LS - Gah! child! my hearts! - Sangho
A - 5
L - 5
LP- 3
C - 2
15 First Kid Dialogue - so what planet are you from - Sangho
A - 5
L - 2
LP- 1
C - 1
16 cawho? - alien shot - Sangho
A - 3
L - 2
LP- 1
C - 1
17 whod win in a fight? - kid shot - Sangho
A - 5
L - Reuse - 15
LP- Reuse - 15
C - 1
18 procedure - alien shot - Sangho
A - 4
L - 2
LP- 1
C - 1
19 does ur ship have lazers!?- Kid shot - Lisa
A - 4
L - Reuse - 15
LP- Reuse - 15
C - 1
20 Trafic laws - Alien shot - Lisa
A - 5
L - Reuse - 18
LP- Reuse - 18
C - 1
21 Can you blow up my school? Hahaha - Kid shot - Lisa
A - 6
L - Reuse - 15
LP- Reuse - 15
C - 1
22 Falooga! shut up - alien shot - Lisa
A - 6
L - Reuse - 18
LP- Reuse - 18
C - 1
23 Taking out memory wipe - Miyeon
A - 5
L - 5
LP- 3
C - 3
24 Great! ive always wanted to go to space! - kid shot - Miyeon
A - 5
L - 4
LP- 2
C - 1
25 No, No, im going to space, your staying right here- alien shot - Miyeon
A - 5
L - 6
LP- 3
C - 1
26 Kid looking blankly - Miyeon
A - 1
L - Reuse - 24
LP- Reuse - 24
C - 1
27 You have a big head - Steve
A - 5
L - 4
LP- 2
C - 2
28 Memory wipe breaking - Steve
A - 6
L - 1
LP- 1
C - 2
29 Kids at school said i have a big head - Steve
A - 10
L - Reuse - 27
LP- Reuse - 27
C - 3
30 Running Under ship Long Shot - Animation Miyeon Layout Laura
A - 4
L - 8
LP- 4
C - 2
31 Beamed into ship - Laura
A - 7
L - Reuse 10
LP- Reuse 10
C - 5
32 Running to the button - Layout (Jack) - Animation Bryan
A - 7
L - 8
LP- 4
C - 3
33 Ship takeoff - Jake
A - 6
L - 6
LP- 3
C - 4
34 Flying in space - Jake
A - 3
L - 2
LP- 2
C - 3
35 So where we goin? - Jack
A - 8
L - Reuse 31
LP- Reuse 31
C - 3
36 about to press - Jack
A - 3
L - 6
LP- 3
C - 2
37 alien diving - Jack
A - 7
L - 5
LP- 3
C - 2
38 hit kid out of the way -Jack
A - 6
L - 5
LP- 3
C - 2
39 behind - Bryan
A - 2
L - 7
LP- 4
C - 2
40 alien boss - Sooji
A - 5
L - 4
LP- 3
C - 3
41 of course sir - were going on a space adventure - i said no - Dave
A - 8
L - Reuse 37
LP- Reuse 37
C - 4
42 boss - your fired - Sooji
A - 4
L - Reuse 39
LP- Reuse 39
C - 2
43 close up - Dave
A - 2
L - 1
LP- 1
C - 1
44 you wanna go on a space adventure - Dave
A - 6
L - 6
LP- 4
C - 3
45 yay!- Dave
A - 5
L - 5
LP- 2
C - 1
46 grab helmet - Mark
A - 5
L - 4
LP- 2
C - 2
47 fit your fat head - Lettie
A - 5
L - 4
LP- 2
C - 1
48 shove on - Lettie
A - 7
L - 3
LP- 2
C - 3
49 alien laugh - Lettie
A - 6
L - 5
LP- 2
C - 2
50 but wait! THERES MORE - Lettie
A - 5
L - 4
LP- 2
C - 2
51 alien laugh - Lettie
A - 3
L - Reuse 46
LP- Reuse 46
C - 1
52 your lauch pad! Steve Layout Bryan
A - 8
L - 8
LP- 4
C - 2
53 gotta goooo Space! - Andrea
A -5
L -7
C -3
54 aint you comin with me? - Sooji
A - 6
L - 7
LP- 4
C - 2
55 me? buwahahah, ill meet you there -bryan
A - 10
L - 5
LP- 3
C - 2
56 yaaa!- Sooji
A - 4
L - 5
LP- 3
C - 3
57 countdown outside - Laura
A - 3
L - 6
LP- 3
C - 1
58 countdown through window - Laura
A - 7
L - 5
LP- 3
C - 3
59 one! blastoff! - Andrea
A - 6
L - 6
LP- 3
C - 2
60 press button - Laura
A - 5
L - Reuse 53
LP- Reuse 53
C - 2
61 door opening and suck out - Andrea
A - 9
L - Reuse 55
LP- Reuse 55
C - 3
62 Alien Laughing - Dave
A - 4
L - 5
LP- 2
C - 2
63 Space (earth) - Mike
A - 3
L - 8
LP- 4
C - 3
64 shooting star - Sooji
A - 5
L - 3
LP- 2
C - 2
This took many hours, so if u don't like a scene that you received, try to trade with someone else. Takes to long to re balance points.
Please commit the hours and get your scenes (rough) workbooked for next week.
- Jake Fullerton
So Character building is going really well soo far! There is still alot to do but this is a great start!
Thanks to evryone helping out!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
THURSDAY feb 28th 11:30 Character Building Meeting
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
11:30 Wednesday
11:30 Wednesday
Flash Lesson Meeting
Order of operations:
1.Choose your scenes / Get your scenes
2.Flash Lesson
3.Work on your Flash Practice scene.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Meeting Moved to Wednesday due to weather.
Meeting Moved to Wednesday due to weather.
do not come tomorrow, if someone cant make it.
I will cover your lesson on a day that you can.
Please try to make it.
Sorry for the last second notice, blame the weather man.
thank you all for helping me out on this one.
Snow storm warning!
There may be a snow storm tomorrow, I've heard of upwards of 15 cm...
people who live far away i don't want to make you risk the roads.
I need to know if moving the meeting to Wednesday is possible. Please post a yes or a no. or call me.
I need an answer from everyone so please do so. If i get an answer from everyone Ill make a post.
If not. Its still tomorrow, and well just hope for no snow.
Thanks all.
- Jake
Side note:
Laura, It was late when I typed that and because of that I guess I did not type what I was trying to say correctly. I was suggesting that you DO go home, and DO care. Simply suggesting that you come for a little while early on then leave. So you wouldn't have to sacrifice too much for school.
I want you to be home with your family, family > school.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
You must make this meeting, this is not optional. Laura, I know stuff has come up for you, perhaps you could come, then leave early. But you need to sacrifice a few hours and get brushed up. Everyone else, I haven't heard anything saying you can't make it. So be there.
You will also receive your scenes to be working on over the break. You will have a choice in this before the flash lessons get underway, so be on time.
Thanks again all,
Special thanks to Bryan.
See you all then!
- Jake
Friday, February 22, 2008
hey guys
anyway we can move the meeting up from tuesday?
namely before tuesday like mon,sun, or sat??
because i need to go home befor tues cus my parents
are goin to hk cus my grandfather is dying and i need
to help them wf stuff befor they leave
i think its a crucial meeting,,so id rather move it than miss it...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Spaceship Interior
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
This is a meeting that I say you must make, you will be deciding what it is that you will be working on over the next month and a half.
as you MUST be working on your workbooks over the Break.
A Project Calender will also be given out to all members on this day
I understand that many people are worried with the progression of our film. But story is key, and by sacrifcing this time we have finally gotten our story perfect. Now that we are working in flash, the animation will not take as long.
We will be deciding the day for the flash Lessons Tomorrow!
If you arn't there tomorrow you get no say in when it is. If you do not make the Flash Lessons, your scenes could possibly be taken away from you and you will not complete the year.
Once you've learned the method you can start animating, without them you will be animating incorrectly.
This may seem harsh, but time is low and we need to push ourselves.
Help push with me by sacrificing 1 hour out of your lives to show your respect and dedication.
Please be there. If you are not present, you had better have a solid reason as it will be reported.
Respect, dedication and trust. These three things will get our film done.
Respect your team mates.
Dedicate your self the the set deadlines.
Trust others to do the same.
FEB 22. 11 am
- Jake Fullerton-
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Animation Decision URGENT
I just sent out an email detailing this post. Basically we need to make a decision on what type of Animation we want for the film. Some of us are seriously contemplating flash and we have a go ahead form DQ. So now we need to know what the group thinks. Above are some links to EL TIGRE the show who's Animation we wish to emulate and the show Bryan worked on.
Please read your email thanks ....p.s Happy Family Day
Monday, February 11, 2008
Design Pack
Now that everyone should have a demo reel up and running, I'm going to ask everyone to have their design parts completed and either posted on blog or gave me a copy and not original(NOTE: DO NOT GIVE ME ORIGINALS) by Thursday night.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
lisa's post
of kid's room rough and some items in his room o_O
the room is rough becauseeee.... i sort of wanted to change the style of the layout.. just to fit the story more.
i was thinking more like jacob two two's rough-ish type.
i dunno.. just a suggestion.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Animation Parts For the DQ man!
Animation Parts For DQ
Jake - First Chair Knock
Dave - Jump Out of Chair
Sangho - Running Up the ramp
Jack - Diving on the button
Bryan - Ill meet you there
Steve - Whack! Hit the kid with mem wiper
Andrea - Kid Countdown
Lisa - Dome on head
Lettie - Alien Jumping back, when meeting the Kid
Mike - On the bed Lying on his back flying the ship around
Miyeon - Running out his room
Sooji - Boss Rotation
Laura - Picking up the head dome
Mark - Put box down
Find ur part here :D
- Jake